I am pleased to announce four more instructors to our amazing educational team.
Let’s start with Aaron and Austin Howard.
This brother duo will be teaching classes on how to pack, prepare and cook meals while off the grid, as well as what equipment, kitchen tools, and essentials you’ll need to make fantastic food. They will also be hosting a brunch on Sunday morning at their booth. Aaron is the fun-loving adventure enthusiast that every desk jockey dreams of being. He was camping, cooking, and 4wd’ing before it was cool. As a child, Aaron learned to cook and could be found in the kitchen at the tender age of 4 making various sandwiches. His love for food and adventure blossomed as he aged. Today it is not uncommon to find him prepping uncommon lunches while mountain biking, making Americanos trailside while wheeling, or cooking up a gourmet meal with a pan ½ a burner and a stick. Austin is a Toyota Junkie King of the over prep and run what you brung. He is fluent in Macgyver trail-side repairs & is a solid fabricator. Austin found his passion for grilling at just 9 years old, and has been grilling anything and everything, anywhere he could ever since. Austin will be showing off some simple pre-ride prepped dishes for the true speed demon to get some food down and black on the trail. Aaron and Austin are excited to share their love of cooking in remote places with you at this year’s Southeast Overland & OffRoad Expo. Stop by their booth to ask questions, and talk food!

Next on the list is Don Cox.
He will be teaching a seminar on off-roading on public and private lands. Don Cox is a Certified tread lightly! Trainer and serves as tread lightly! Coordinator for the 9000+ members of The Florida Trail Stompers Off-Road Club. Don serves as a Trail Boss for The Florida Trail Stompers and has logged thousands of hours leading FTS groups through the Swamps, Forests and Prairies of Florida, as-well-as “Out of State” club rides.Don is also part of a recently launched Field Ranger program in the Ocala National Forest and he has earned the credentials to become one of the first Field Rangers in the program.Don Cox is an avid Off-Roader who is passionately looking for ways to share the tread lightly! Principles and Tread Lightly’s mission to educate outdoor recreationists regarding the responsible ways to use public and private lands.Don Cox’s goal for 2021 is to become a tread lightly! Master Trainer and begin certifying others to become Tread Trainers. Don has lived in the Tampa Bay for over 30 years and could not imagine living anywhere else. He travel throughout Florida to give tread lightly! Presentations and would love if you stopped by his booth to learn more!

Rounding out the team is Kyle Epperson.
Kyle will be teaching classes on the following subjects:Travel with PetsInternational TravelTravel with ChildrenKyle grew up “outdoors” in the scenic Ozark mountains and taking yearly road trips to National Parks. That desire of adventure never stopped growing as he moved around the world and started traveling internationally. Today, Kyle has not wavered in seeking what the world has to offer, exploring nearly 100 countries across 6 continents with his wife, young child and dog.Please be sure to swing by his seminars and ask questions!